Welcome to Prof. Tong Zhou’s research group in College of Science at Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo. We are exploring condensed matter physics, primarily focusing on: 1. Topological quantum computing: designing platforms and strategies towards topological quantum computing by demonstrating non-Abelian statistics through Majorana fusion and braiding. 2. Topological quantum states: Quantum states in topological insulators, semimetals, and superconductors, along with their interactions with external fields, such as forces, heat, light, electricity, magnetism, etc. 3. Quantum transport behavior in the superconductor-semiconductor interface, such as Andreev reflection, Josephson effect, superconducting diode effect, etc. 4. Intriguing properties of quantum materials, such as novel electronic structure, superconductivity, magnetoelectricity, optics, transport, etc. It also involves the design and prediction of materials with specific functionalities. 5. Micromagnetic simulations: Interactions between the topological magnetic textures (Skyrmions, etc) and topological electronic states (Majorana zero modes, etc). 6. Application of machine learning in the aforementioned research directions.


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